All students at College follow one of the following Curriculum Pathways with opportunities to experience activities from both Pathways where appropriate.
Each student has their own personalised Curriculum, incorporating their aspirations, Education Health & Care Plan (EHCP) outcomes and personal learning goals. Students do not follow accredited courses at Chadsgrove Educational Trust Specialist College.
The College Curriculum follows the 4 key areas of the ‘Preparing for Adulthood’ Framework (Health, Community, Independent Living Skills and Employment), preparing students for life after College. Communication is the core focus of our Curriculum and is threaded throughout the 4 areas of the Preparing for Adulthood Framework.All further education study programmes require an element of Maths and English to be taught to students. Students at Chadsgrove Specialist College do not complete any accredited qualifications in Maths and English. We do however understand the importance of developing early Maths and English skills and embed opportunities for each student to work towards meaningful personal learning goals that will enhance these skills across their study programme.