We are currently working with ASDAN, The National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi) and other education providers to develop units of work for students with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties (PMLD). The project aims to improve opportunities for students within the new ASDAN Preparing for Adulthood programmes, whilst promoting person centred planning to ensure the units are appropriate for all learners. We will be trialing 2 new modules ‘Using my Technology’ and ‘Looking after Myself’.

Helping People with Learning Disabilities to Understand their World

Chadsgrove Educational Trust is taking part in a national research project based around Social, Emotional and Mental Health, called Books Beyond Words.

Books Beyond Words is the social enterprise which helps people with learning disabilities to understand their world. Beyond Words publishes an award winning series of books for people with learning disabilities or communication difficulties. The books communicate through pictures designed to help people understand and cope with a wide range of everyday or challenging situations.