All students at CET follow one of the following curriculum pathways with opportunities to experience activities from both pathways where appropriate.

For more information about preparing for adulthood please follow this link to the National Development Team for Inclusion

Each student has their own personalised curriculum, incorporating their aspirations, Education Health & Care Plan (EHCP) outcomes and personal targets.

The CET curriculum follows the four key areas of ‘Preparing for Adulthood’ (Health, Community, Independent Living Skills and Employment), preparing students for life after college.

Students are not restricted to one pathway and are encouraged to embrace aspects of both pathways where appropriate.

Explorers Pathway

This pathway is designed for students with profound and multiple learning difficulties working at Pre-Entry level 1 to Entry Level 1. The curriculum focuses on the development of communication skills and learning through sensory exploration.

Seekers Pathway

The Seekers pathway is for students with complex needs working at Entry Level 1. The curriculum focuses on developing skills for independence and communication both within college and out in the wider community.

CET Preparing for Adulthood Objects of Reference