Explorers Pathway

At CET, students have a baseline assessment with a Speech and Language Therapist (SaLT) and follow a personalised programme to develop their communication skills. Students have access to a wide range of low and high tech Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) equipment such as Communication in Print symbols, switches, Eye Gaze, objects of reference and Talk 4 technology. Staff are trained Signalong practitioners and use signing throughout the day to support communication with students. Students are actively involved in age appropriate sensory stories, which enable them to develop their listening and attention skills.

Seekers Pathway

All students have a baseline assessment with a SaLT and follow a personalised programme to develop their communication skills. The speech and language therapist delivers Signalong accredited courses to our students and works with identified individuals to develop their communication targets.

Numeracy skills are embedded into all areas of the curriculum. Enterprise projects provide valuable opportunities for students to develop money skills, through interactions with customers. Students receive weekly wages; buy stock during shopping trips and price items to be sold at a variety of sales.

The Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) lessons support students to develop safe relationships with others. They discuss issues including social networking, diversity, relationships, appropriate behaviour and support networks. It is essential that our students have access to information, which is appropriate to their developmental age, to enable them to make informed choices in the future.